Donating to the causes you care about not only benefits the charities themselves, but most important, it can be deeply rewarding for you as well. Millions of people give to charity on a regular basis to support causes they believe in, as well as for the positive effect it has on their own lives.
You Can Make An Impact Today
Today, 5 million Americans suffer from a variety of neurodegenerative conditions. including 1 million from Parkinson's; 400,000 from Multiple Sclerosis (MS); 250,000 from Dystonia; 124,000 from Clonus; 30,000 from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease), and 30,000 from Huntington's disease and a variety of other life-changing progressive disorders. Because neurodegenerative diseases strike primarily in mid-to late life, the incidence is expected to soar as the population ages.
As part of our effort to help, our volunteers donate hundreds of hours assisting in outreach and fundraising to help provide financial assistance to individuals and families with Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative movement disorders that are unable to afford the journey from self-efficacy to empowerment, well-being and increased quality of life.
Neuro Wellness Charitable Organization has IRS non-profit approval status as a 501c3 organization. In addition, NWCO recently received approval from the Arizona Department of Revenue as a Qualified Charitable Organization (QCO).
We are not funded by any State of Federal Governmental Agencies. We exist solely on the generosity of donations and community support.
We are not funded by any State of Federal Governmental Agencies. We exist solely on the generosity of donations and community support.

Charitable contributions are one of the best tax-saving opportunities available. Not only does your charitable donation provide benefits to a particular cause , but you may be able to realize a tax deduction if you itemize your return using IRS Form schedule A and enter your donation to NWCO as 'Gifts to Charity'.

Charitable Tax Credit On Your Arizona Tax Return
Arizonans have the opportunity to donate to charities that drive their passion. The Arizona Charitable Tax Credit is a 'DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR' nonrefundable income tax credit for charitable contributions to Qualifying Charitable Organizations (QCOs) like Neuro Wellness Charitable Organization (NWCO).
2023 charitable contribution rules specify that the maximum allowable credit for contributions to QCOs for single taxpayers, married (filing separately) filers or heads of households is $470, and for joint filing, the maximum credit is $938.
Example - if you have a joint filing and owe $2,000 in taxes but donate $938 to a qualifying charitable tax organization, your tax liability is reduced to $1062
Your DONATION Will Help Change The Lives Of Many
Neuro Wellness Centers offer researched-based exercise, education and camaraderie as part of a journey from self-efficacy to empowerment, well-being and increased quality of life for individuals and families with Parkinson’s Disease and other neurodegenerative movement disorders.
It’s difficult to define the limits of people with neurological degenerative disabilities as we continue to discover their extraordinary hidden abilities. While these courageous individuals face a more challenging future than most, they can still enjoy a full and active life. What they need most is encouragement, understanding, and the willingness of others to help them maximize their opportunities.
You may make your donation via the SECURE methods of either Credit Card or Pay Pal. You may also make an offline donation if you prefer. Card/Payment information is never stored.
We sincerely thank you for your interest in donating in support of our mission to make a difference in the lives of many.